UAM teachers:
All professors of the astrophysics group are internationally recognized experts in the subjects taught within the Master. They further form part of national and international projects and have a long standing history of teaching competence. They have not only trained numerous MSc (and PhD) students, but also actively engage in undergraduate teaching and public outreach. Here we list their main research interests.
dark matter, galaxy formation and evolution, astrostatistics and data analysis
astro-particle physics, dark matter
galaxy formation and evolution, computational astrophysics
galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy clusters, computational astrophysics
galaxy formation, chemical evolution, cosmology
galaxy formation, semi-analytical modelling, cosmology
computational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, alternative cosmologies, the local universe
stellar structure and evolution, nuclear physics
star and planet formation, proto-planetary disks, infra-red astronomy, astrochemistry, astromineralogy
dark matter, gamma rays, astroparticle physics, cosmology
cosmology, galaxy clusters, large-scale structure of the universe, the local universe
external teachers:
We benefit from the active astronomy & astrophysics environment in the greater area of Madrid, and some modular parts of our courses are being taught by renown local experts in the fields.