MSc in Astrophysics @ UAM


Thesis Supervision

All of the members of the Astrophysics Group @ UAM are offering the possibility to write the MSc thesis with them. Further, members of the associated centres

CAB-CSIC-INTA (Centro de Astrobiologia, Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial),

CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas),

ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre,

OAN (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional)

are also available to supervise a project. While we provide a downloadable

list of offered MSc theses,

we also give below a summary of research topics and the respective centre where this is being investigated. Please do get in touch with possible supervisors working in your favourite area.

Also note that at the beginning of each academic there will be a day dedicated to the presentation of MSc thesis by their respective supervisors. For the academic year 2024/25 that will happen on

Wednesday, Oct 2 @ 14:00h

Thesis Submission and Presentation

The dates for the presentation of the TFM can be found in the official call

MSc Thesis calls 2024/25

When submitting your TFM you also need to provide some additional paperworks. And in case of external supervision, you must already hand-in an official agreement between UAM and the institute of your supervisor before you start your thesis work. You can find all relevant documents (alongside a README) in the following zip-archive:

Thesis Writing

In order to prepare your MSc thesis, the following links provide guidelines as well as a template in case you like to use LaTeX for the typesetting.

MSc thesis - guide

MSc thesis - template

Also check UAM's official rules & regulations of the MSc Thesis that can be found here.

Research Areas

          Formation of Stars, Stellar Evolution and Exoplanets (CAB, ESAC, UAM)

          Formation and Evolution of Galaxies (CAB, CIEMAT, UAM)

          Galactic Starbursts and its influence on Galaxy Evolution (CIEMAT, UAM)

          Large-scale Structure of the Universe (CIEMAT, UAM)

          Astroparticle Physics & Dark Matter (UAM)

          Space Astronomy, Telescopes and related Science (CAB, ESAC)

          Molecular Astrophysics (CAB, OAN)

          Radioastronomy (CAB, OAN)

          Infrared, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy (ESAC, OAN, UAM)