The main objective of this Master is to provide an academic training specializing in
Astronomy, Astrophysics & Cosmology
alongside an introduction into scientific research. The program naturally leads to PhD studies, also offered within the Astrophysics Group.
The training received during the Master is equivalent to that of the most demanding European schools, and is similar to that obtained in the postgraduate programs of prestigious North American universities. The skills acquired upon completion of the Master are valuable in competing for jobs of a diverse nature, both in the academic or scientific domain and in applied research in such diverse fields as Economics, IT and Communication technologies, Medicine and many others.
The graduates of the Master will have received training in a wide variety of professional tasks such as...
- undertaking scientific research
- working in research institutes and astronomic observatories
- undertaking tasks in secondary teaching
- pursuing a career (either in or outside of academia)
and been taught multi-disciplinary subjects including...
- astronomy & astrophysics
- cosmology
- physics
- mathematics
- statistics
- computer science: software and hardware development
- project management
- space sciences
- engineering
amongst many others. Please check the Courses page for more details.
Profile of Teachers
All professors of the astrophysics group are internationally recognized experts in the subjects taught within the Master. They further form part of national and international projects and have a long standing history of teaching competence. They have not only trained numerous MSc (and PhD) students, but also actively engage in undergraduate teaching and public outreach. Please refer to the Teachers page for more information.
Awards and Quality Control
The official postgraduate program in Theoretical Physics has been singled out with the prestigious “Mencion de Calidad” ("Mentioning of Quality") by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC). This prize offers advantages to students who apply for MEC grants to do a doctoral thesis within the postgraduate program. The doctoral program of Theoretical Physics has received this award since the first academic year 2003-2004 (Refs. MCD2003-00221, MCD2006-00374). The program is subject to an internal Quality Control system, within the “Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad” of the UAM Science Faculty.