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AMIGA documentation

MLAPM.pdf   - still the only user's guide out there describing the precessor to AMIGA
AMIGA.pdf   - presentation of all things AMIGA (not a real users-guide though)
Andrew Green's PhD thesis: part A, part B   - indepth explanation of the grid structure
changelog.txt   - more or less detailed explanation of all modifications since the name change to AMIGA

AHF documentation

AHF.pdf   - the best (and only) user's guide currently available
AHFquick.pdf   - the essentials for analysing GADGET simulations
2009, ApJS, 182, 608   - the actual AHF code paper
2004, MNRAS, 351, 399   - the MHF code paper describing the precursor to AHF
changelog.txt   - more or less detailed explanation of all modifications (same file as for AMIGA)

MPI documentation

MPI.txt   - some additional words on the MPI implementation

If you are going to use AMIGA or AHF, please register. This is the only way to inform you about bug fixes and other improvements, respectively.