AMIGA documentation
MLAPM.pdf | - still the only user's guide out there describing the precessor to AMIGA |
AMIGA.pdf | - presentation of all things AMIGA (not a real users-guide though) | Andrew Green's PhD thesis: part A, part B | - indepth explanation of the grid structure |
changelog.txt | - more or less detailed explanation of all modifications since the name change to AMIGA |
AHF documentation
AHF.pdf | - the best (and only) user's guide currently available |
AHFquick.pdf | - the essentials for analysing GADGET simulations |
2009, ApJS, 182, 608 | - the actual AHF code paper |
2004, MNRAS, 351, 399 | - the MHF code paper describing the precursor to AHF |
changelog.txt | - more or less detailed explanation of all modifications (same file as for AMIGA) |
MPI documentation
MPI.txt | - some additional words on the MPI implementation |
If you are going to use AMIGA or AHF, please register. This is the only way to inform you about bug fixes and other improvements, respectively.